Wild Harvest Collection

Unique and rare wild teas from the Republic of Georgia.

Go Wild!

Experience the unique flavors of our Wild Harvest Teas

Grown deep in the highland forests of the Caucasus Mountains in Western Georgia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the tea plantations in Georgia were abandoned and basically forgotten for 30 years. During this time the forest reclaimed the land and created a unique ecosystem perfect for tea plants. The highland soil is bathed in mineral-enriched mountain waters flowing from the Greater Caucasus range. The tall acacia trees provide natural shade and protection. Combining those elements with the tea-friendly, subtropical climate makes for optimal tea-growing conditions. 

This unique terroir gives Georgian Wild Harvest Teas their distinctive aromas and characteristics, and a chemical composition not found in other teas. It should be noted, that plantation-grown teas can be plucked multiple times during the 6 months of tea season, whereas Georgian Wild Harvest Teas can only be harvested once a year in the Spring.

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