History of Herbal Tea in Greece

A Brief Summary

Ancient Herbal Traditions.

The Greek climate is ideal for growing herbs, which are found on mountainsides and green meadows where they grow naturally. The herbs found in Greece today, are the same herbs gathered thousands of years ago in Ancient Greece and their mysterious myths and uses have remained unchanged, not only to flavor delicious Greek cuisine, but also for medicinal purposes.

Exploring the Roots.

Greek Wild Harvest Tisanes, cherished for their historical significance and health benefits, are a testament to Greece’s ancient herbal traditions. Dating back centuries, Greeks have revered the healing properties of wild herbs, harnessing their natural essence for holistic well-being. At Chai House, we pay homage to this rich heritage by curating a premium selection of Greek Wild Harvest Tisanes, offering enthusiasts a taste of Greece’s botanical legacy.

Ancient Wisdom and Herbal Remedies.

In ancient Greece, herbal remedies were integral to healthcare. Renowned scholars like Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, documented the healing virtues of various herbs. Chamomile, with its calming effects, and sage, valued for its medicinal properties, were staples in ancient Greek households. Mountain tea, harvested from the pristine slopes, was celebrated for its immune-boosting qualities, while lemon verbena added a zesty touch to traditional remedies.

Traditional Harvesting Practices.

The history of Greek Wild Harvest Tisanes is intertwined with the art of hand-harvesting. For generations, local farmers have carefully gathered these herbs from sun-drenched meadows and verdant mountainsides. This meticulous process preserves the herbs’ purity and potency, ensuring a truly authentic experience. The aromas and flavors of these tisanes evoke the essence of Greece’s diverse landscapes, from the Mediterranean coast to the rugged highlands.

Cultural Significance.

Beyond their medicinal uses, these wild herbs hold cultural significance in Greece. Chamomile, often referred to as “ground apple” in Greek, symbolizes patience and endurance. Sage, associated with wisdom, has found its way into various Greek rituals. Lemon verbena, prized for its citrusy notes, adds a refreshing touch to culinary delights and beverages. Mountain tea, locally known as “Tsai tou vounou,” embodies the resilience of Greek flora, thriving in challenging terrains.

Modern Sustainability.

Chai House takes pride in continuing these traditions while embracing modern sustainability practices. Our commitment to fair trade and ethical sourcing ensures that local family farmers are supported, preserving the communities’ way of life. By choosing our Greek Wild Harvest Tisanes, you contribute to the preservation of centuries-old traditions and the livelihoods of Greek farmers, making a positive impact on both people and the planet.

A Culinary and Wellness Experience.

Greek Wild Harvest Tisanes offer a unique blend of history, culture, and flavor. Whether you seek a moment of tranquility with chamomile, a boost of energy from mountain tea, or the aromatic richness of sage and lemon verbena, our tisanes cater to diverse palates and preferences. Each sip encapsulates the essence of Greece, inviting you on a sensory journey through its landscapes and traditions.


  • https://teaway.net/s/greece-tea-history-67
  • https://blog.myparea.com/greek-tradition-herbal-tea/
  • https://greekcitytimes.com/2021/10/22/herbal-teas-greece-australia/
  • https://masaresi.com/a-guide-to-greek-herbal-teas/
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