Our Mission

The mission of Chai House is to spread the joy of tea while creating good for people and good for the planet. We will turn our personal enjoyment of tea and travel into a business model that uses tea and tea-related products as a force for good in the world, encouraging everyone to take time, brew tea and enjoy the company of others or some quiet time alone.

Chai House will provide U.S. consumers with an authentic Masala Chai product to combat the sugary, pre-packaged, mis-named “chai” products found in U.S. grocery stores and coffee shops.

Our conduct will be firmly rooted in supporting the principles of direct and fair trade, sustainable farming practices, biodiversity, source traceability, and family farm initiatives. At every stage of our supply chain, we will form strategic partnerships with those who share our vision to create “good” for ourselves and those with whom we interact, while doing good for people and the planet.

It is our intent to make a difference in peoples’ lives by providing our products as a vehicle to find and enter the true reality of their lives, as opposed to escaping into an alternate one.

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